The "heaven of Bavarians" is one of the most popular tents. The very young crowd fills the central aisle already at noon. The Hacker tent has a very good menu.

Since its re-theming in the 50s, the Hacker brewery's Oktoberfest tent is known as the heaven of Bavarians. Since Toni Roiderer became the tents' host in 1989, the butcher from south of Munich transformed it into one of the most popular Oktoberfest tents. You'll find it crowded on any given day, starting at noon.

In 2016, one year after Thomas Roiderer, Toni’s son, took over, the tent was completely rebuilt from scratch. While many non-regular visitors may not even recognize that there is a new tent, it becomes obvious when you recognize that broader hallways make it seem way less overcrowded than it used to be and that the huge painting on the inside no shows contemporary instead of historical motifs.

Hackerzelt’s guests are not only numerous but also rather young and arrive at the non-reserved section already before noon.

The menu is one of the best-balanced and reasonably priced at Oktoberfest.

Reservations 2024

Reservations for 2024 became available on April 30th in the new reservation form, unusually including Sunday evenings and all weekend afternoons except the first one. Generally, we're used to seeing Sunday afternoons being publicly available, despite the tent's huge popularity. To have a chance of getting one of them, don't forget to subscribe to our reservation alarm further down this page.

Sun., September 2912:00 PM - 05:45 PM